Field Trip: White Butte Trails
Sat, Aug 03
|White Butte Trails
We will walk some of the trails at White Butte looking for wildflowers, birds and butterflies. With a bit of luck we will find the Oblong-Leaved Gentian. Meet at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum parking lot.

Time & Location
Aug 03, 2024, 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
White Butte Trails, Pilot Butte, SK S0G 3Z0, Canada
About the Event
Leaders : Dale Hjertaas
Meet at Royal Saskatchewan Museum parking lot at 9:00 A.M.
We will walk some of the trails at White Butte looking for wildflowers, birds and butterflies. With a bit of luck we will find the Oblong-Leaved Gentian. Other flowers likely to be in bloom are several species of goldenrod, Dotted Blazing Star, Meadow Blazing Star, False Dandelion, Shining Meadow Sweet, Evening Primrose, Smooth Fleabane, Wild Licorice, Blue Lettuce and many others. Bring water. We will walk for perhaps 2 hours, depending on how much we find and how long we stop to look at things.
Carpooling possible, please pay driver $5 for gas.