Regina Earns Nature Canada’s “Bird Friendly City” Designation
Unceded Algonquin Territory – Ottawa, ON, Thursday March 10, 2022
Nature Canada is proud to announce Canada’s next certified Bird Friendly City, Regina, SK. Regina becomes the fifth city in Canada to earn the designation.
The City of Regina has worked in collaboration with Nature Canada’s partners including Nature Saskatchewan and Nature Regina, along with many other community organizations to make their communities a safe haven for wild birds.
The city has implemented bird friendly policies and actions to help birds thrive in Regina. These actions include:
establishing a “no-roam” by-law for cats to reduce the impact of cat predation on wild bird populations
protecting natural areas such as Wascana Centre, a 2,300-acre urban park which supports 276 species of birds
engaging the community of Regina through educational initiatives such as celebrating World Migratory Bird Day and The Get Outside Club!
The Bird Friendly City designation has been developed by Nature Canada to encourage Canadian cities and municipalities to become safer and better places for birds.
Birds play an essential role in maintaining healthy and resilient ecosystems in our communities and on our planet. But there are three billion fewer birds in North America today than 50 years ago. Much of these losses are caused by human activities. As urban expansion continues, cities must act quickly to ensure that North America’s bird populations are protected and supported. Nature Canada’s Bird Friendly City program encourages communities to take action to:
reduce the number of human-related threats to birds such as roaming cats, the use of pesticides, and glass treatment on buildings with large windows,
create safe environments for birds by promoting stewardship and ensuring that natural habitats are protected and restored,
engage and educate citizens about the benefits of Bird Friendly Cities and celebrating birds in our communities.
In each municipality seeking to become Bird Friendly certified, Bird Teams are created and residents are actively engaged in protecting, monitoring and celebrating their local bird populations.
Nature Canada is pleased to acknowledge the support of Environment and Climate Change Canada for the Bird Friendly City program and World Migratory Bird Day .
Cheryl Stadnichuk, Regina City Councillor, Ward 1:
“I am thrilled that Regina has begun this journey to become a Bird Friendly City! Birds bring joy into our lives and are an important part of our ecosystem. Every spring, we hear the joyful song of the robin and on our summer walks along Wascana Creek, we hear the call of the red-winged blackbird. I am committed to take steps at the city level to protect our declining bird population.”
Shanon Zachidniak, Regina City Councillor, Ward 8:
“Birds are an essential part of our ecosystems and bird populations are in serious decline. I’m really excited that Regina has received Bird Friendly City certification to recognize the city’s efforts to become safer for birds and commit to continued leadership to become more bird friendly. This recognition also complements our efforts to become a more environmentally sustainable community.”
Additional Resources:
For more information, check out the Bird Friendly Regina Facebook page or the Nature Saskatchewan Bird Friendly Regina page
If you are interested in volunteering with the Bird Friendly Regina team, please contact
Press Release