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Here is an opportunity to explore, learn and enjoy the outdoors! Participate in a Nature Regina field trip in and around Regina. These trips are led by members, and usually are held on the weekend. 

Although field trips are a benefit of membership, others are welcome to attend. Exceptions are when the trip is marked as “members only”. 

There is no cost to attend, although carpooling is encouraged when possible (and when allowed by public health orders) and there may be sharing of gas costs. Unless otherwise indicated, participants meet in the parking lot of the Royal Saskatchewan Museum at the corner of Albert Street and College Avenue in Regina, and carpool from there. In some cases, meeting at the destination is possible. 

Field trips can be cancelled or postponed due to weather. Please check on the status of a field trip before the event in the Calendar; all efforts will be made to keep the status of the event current. If you have RSVP'd to an event, you will be contacted if there are changes or cancellations. 

All Nature Regina events are scent-free events. 

To contact us with comments or suggestions, and to submit photos from field trips for use on the website, please email (For photos: copyright watermark if desired; those submitted around 2,000 kb enlarge nicely when clicked on for viewing.) 

More volunteer leaders for field trips are needed. If you are interested, please let us know! 

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact  

Upcoming and Past Fieldtrips

© 2024 Nature Regina

Many thanks to all Nature Regina members and volunteers who help foster appreciation for nature in Regina and surrounding areas

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